Saturday, 24 May 2014

SDN Beranga playspace renovation

Rooty Hill, Sydney, New South Wales
Construction: J M Landscapes

From the SDN website - 'SDN Beranga Children’s Education and Care Centre is a demonstration, autism-specific service that integrates early childhood intervention and mainstream early childhood education. We offer a comprehensive and flexible approach to early childhood education and early childhood intervention for young children with an autism spectrum disorder and their families..... SDN Beranga provides a comprehensive long day care service for 24 children incorporating the following two key components, a ‘lighthouse centre’ in Rooty Hill and 13 satellite centres, enabling greater flexibility in meeting individual child and family needs.'

The first four photos were taken very soon after the playspace had been finished. The subsequent photos were taken during my visit to SDN Beranga this week. Great to talk to the director and hear how the space was "much loved" on a daily basis by the children and staff and how she had noticed a number of positive changes in the childrens' play patterns since the renovation. I was also told the texture board had become a favorite of the children, especially for children who had become agitated, it served a s a focal point for them to calm themselves.  

The watercourse has a series of colored Plexiglass panels that fit snugly into grooves that intersect the channels. The children can use them to dam and divert the water flow as they wish.

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