Friday, 28 October 2011

How Meditating Helps with Multitasking | MindShift

How Meditating Helps with Multitasking | MindShift

I for one wish my parents were into alternate living when I was growing up, what my grandfather used to call "long haired hippy types".

I practise meditation because it provides an oasis and clarity from the "absolute immediacy" that our society has become. If it is this stressful for an adult imagine the effect on a mind/personality that is developing.

In an era when distraction, diversion, and data (not information) overload are unavoidable, even touted as something everyone needs, I have to agree with Levy's assessment. "Teach the tools that will teach kids to focus, avoid distraction, and judge what to pay attention to as they’re exposed to a slew of diversions."

Making Up Halloween Fears « FreeRangeKids

Making Up Halloween Fears « FreeRangeKids

Ohh how I laughed. People get paid to create this mindless hysteria?

Parks in new estates at risk

Parks in new estates at risk

Apparently parks/green space is costly? And takes up space where you could be building more houses.What's that song line "where do the children play?" Well not here obviously!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Kindergarten kids get laptops

Kindergarten kids get laptops

An old article only recently brought to my attention... particularly interested in,  "The computers will be wireless and, weighing in at under three pounds, they will be easily used in both reading circle and outside the building to explore nature?"

What, how to 'jack the neighbours wifi?, Smack that bug?, Bury in the sandpit?, Use the screen for finger painting?

There is a lot to be said for engaging children in the technology that will be a major part of their lives, (I say that as a self-professed reformed Luddite and yes I see the irony of using a blog to spread the message) but please let them have a childhood before they get plugged into the machine and have their sense of wonder diminished.

REDUX - Darell Hammond: If We Don't Let Our Children Play, Who Will Be the Next Steve Jobs?

-Darell Hammond: If We Don't Let Our Children Play, Who Will Be the Next Steve Jobs?

Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
Robert Fulgham

01/11/2011 - I have been thinking about this post over the last few weeks and mulling over it's content based on the new information (however accurate that may be) about the actual lifestyle, beliefs and actions of Steve Jobs. Not exactly new information, because I think we always instinctually knew that his actions always belied something different to the carefully spun public persona. 

Whilst I agree with the sentiment expressed in the article, that current education systems are set up to crush free thought, personal  innovation, query and independent action, I don't think I would wish a life full of obsession, paranoia and control on any child.   

Which is not me saying that Mr Jobs was bad, mean, wrong or any other thing you may perceive is implied. He was as much a product of his upbringing and environment as any of us, including myself, and he did the best with what life dealt him.  

My point is that the title of the article appears to imply that his life and lifestyle are things children should strive for.  They can if they want to, however, in my experience there is a lot more on offer in life than he had. 

RIP Steve Jobs.  

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

New children's playground opened in Kings Park - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

New children's playground opened in Kings Park - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

The new Rio Tinto Naturescape Kings Park opened to Western Australian families Saturday, 15 October 2011 by Premier Colin Barnett. The much anticipated 60,000 sqm bush landscape invites children to immerse themselves in a natural environment doing what comes naturally – building cubbies, wading through creeks, climbing rocks, playing hide and seek and collecting bush treasures.

Mr Barnett said "This is a wonderful playground area for children, .........a return to the old days where you can walk in the creek, play in the wetland, climb trees, get dirty, get your hands wet, even probably skin your knee. But this is a lovely, lovely bushland setting right in the heart of Perth and it will be enjoyed by countless children and their families for generations to come."

Kings Park CEO Mark Webb said ‘Rio Tinto Naturescape Kings Park is a place for kids to be kids and to experience nature first-hand in our increasingly urbanised and structured lives, we hope this will inspire Western Australian children to love nature and to become the environmental custodians of the future.’

Rio Tinto Naturescape Kings Park is open from 9.30 am - 5.00 pm, Tuesday - Sunday (closed Monday and all of February for maintenance). Speaking of maintenance - see Garden Maintenance for Playspaces above or on Scribd.

Lots of good things, in respect to naturalistic play, are coming out of WA.

My first response in reading this article was excitement that the importance of naturalistic play had been recognised in such a massive way and by a number of formal institutions.

My second innate response was suspicion that the RIO TINTO tag was associated. For those of you outside Australia RIO TINTO is a massive mining company based in Australia.

HOWEVER if you've ever been part of a parent committee or fund raising committee attempting to raise money for a worthwhile project you would be aware of the feeling of dejection upon approaching big businesses and being told that their PR arm has allocated their funding to a high visibility "sexy" cause, basically something that makes them look like good corporate citizens.

Naturalistic play is vogue but it's definitely not sexy.  So my feelings are this...... CONGRATULATIONS and KUDOS to Rio Tinto for investing in our children's' future, good on you for seeing past your corporate profile and helping create something that will change lives and hopefully create a plethora of future environmental stewards. In days when most multinational corporations are being generically painted as financial villains, its  heart-warming to see one acting so altruistically. And yes, for all you cynics (of which I'm usually Queen) they probably can write it off tax-wise and they will get great press from it, but - SO WHAT - at least they are doing something that will benefit current and future generations, well after any initial fanfare has dissipated. 

A link to the official webpage can be found here.

Again, congratulations to everyone involved in the project, for what it's worth you have my admiration and appreciation.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Kids in Cafeteria Must Ask Adults to Get Them Utensils « FreeRangeKids

Kids in Cafeteria Must Ask Adults to Get Them Utensils « FreeRangeKids

Just staple them to their seats and feed them through a tube.
Remember - If your very, very careful nothing good, or bad, will ever happen to you.

Outrage of the Week: School Cordons Off 3-Foot Hill « FreeRangeKids

Outrage of the Week: School Cordons Off 3-Foot Hill « FreeRangeKids

O.M.F.G. (Oh My Fairy Garden)! the spectre of public liability rises again. I agree wholeheartedly with the David's assessment. I design children's playspaces for a living and was in a past life, a trained teacher. The biggest problems I see in most playspaces I've assessed is the creation of the playspaces by people who have no idea about children's behaviour and their developmental needs (yes, including challenge/risk taking) and lack of adult supervision. Any area can become a potential hazard if it is misused. The purpose of having teachers in the playground is not to inhibit play but to monitor the childrens' play and intervene if play or behaviour becomes dangerous to them or their peers. This intervention should be dictated by common sense, not as a proxy for the schools insurance company. Vexatious civil litigation (or fear thereof) appears to have become the cancer of our society.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Park to play and think

Park to play and think link derived from Playscapes 21/10/11, thanks to Arcady's follower Ángela León and everyone who helped in the design and construction. Google Chrome can translate the site language from Portuguese to your language of choice. 

I see something like this, the community coming together to design and create a playspace that appears to be loved, well used and respected and I'm reminded of how lucky we are in our so called "1st world countries".  We routinely take for granted simple things like there actually being space set aside for children to play in. 

 There are a number of myths in life and one of them is entitlement. In Australia it is not that uncommon for councils to build spectacular equipment infested playgrounds only to have them set on fire or destroyed within a few days. One council playground in the suburb in which I live, (Mascot, Sydney)  was destroyed twice in a space of a few weeks. Not having to work for something, not helping to create something means that very little value is attributed to it or consideration given to how it's destruction may effect others in the community. 

I love the Playscapes blog as it focuses not only on the contemporary, but also the vintage, the alternate, the history and the concept of what play was, is and could be.
Anyone considering designing and constructing their own playspace may draw some inspiration and guidance from the Jim Jolley Tyre Design for the construction of playspaces  a link can be found here

Monday, 17 October 2011

Village Petstore and Charcoal Grill

Village Petstore and Charcoal Grill

I once went to a seminar on death and dying, the seminar focussed on how to introduce/discuss the concept with children. It opened with a comparison of what used to happen when we were just "Savages" (the whole family including the children would gather around the dying person to let them know they are not alone, will be remembered and ease their passage from this world) to todays "civilised" approach (we ship them to a hospice or nursing home or find them on the floor in their units weeks later) and tell the children (insert name here) has gone to a better place. Barbados? The Gold Coast? Rio?

There is a disconnection between life and death that few adults, much less children, rarely encounter, and when they do, varying degrees of trauma ensue. In truth the cycle of death is as natural and inevitable as life.

We even hide it in our day to day consumerism. I came across the following Banksy website which is elucidating and cringe-worthy (in a self awareness - What the hell are we doing? way)

I might become a vegetarian?

Saturday, 15 October 2011

The Death of Paper «

The Death of Paper «
Behaviouralists aside, most people are 90% water and 10% habit. I look at this and I think what the hell are we doing to our children. We preen that we have evolved because of our technological superiority, but I know if the power where to ever go out, we're only about two hours away from "Lord of the flies" time.

Incidentally Steve Jobs didn't condition the child by giving him discarded technology to play with

Thursday, 13 October 2011

New play area will give visitors a different opportunity to become one with nature |

New play area will give visitors a different opportunity to become one with nature |

Way to go Champaign County for your development of the Homer Lake Forest Preserve. I commend your foresight, intelligence and COMMON SENSE (which isn't that common).

Although if I was a parent I would be terrified, nay mortified at all those dangerous rocks (see parents guide to evil boulders) and did I hear someone say water play was involved? Everyone knows water contains....water? And sticks, everyone knows sticks are EVIL!!!!! (little finger between lips), plus there's a chance the children may get dirty,  OOHHH NOOO!!!!!. 

In my book unless the children are getting dirty they're not interacting and learning. Yes, "Play is children's work" one of the most important experiences that they will encounter in their formative years.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Outrage of the Week: Europe Bans Balloons for Kids Under 8! « FreeRangeKids

Outrage of the Week: Europe Bans Balloons for Kids Under 8! « FreeRangeKids
I know the whistle blowers are really irritating and I make a point of bringing lots of them to friends children's birthday parties and distributing them to everyone before I leave.... but everyone knows they fill up with saliva and fall built safety precaution! Also the idea that Ballons are DEADLY ruins my child hood memory of the film the "Red Ballon" you mean that the demonic ballon was luring that child away intent on choking him to death,so sad...but, governments know what's best for us????

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

The medium is the message

"The medium is the message" is a phrase coined by Marshall McLuhan meaning that the form of a medium embeds itself in the message, creating a symbiotic relationship by which the medium influences how the message is perceived.

I was looking at a favourite site of mine,, and thought how true this was of his artworks. It may just be me but I appreciate the originality, innovation and economy in his messages and media. Any opinions?

In case your wondering what this has to do with what I do, it's exactly got to do with what I do.

 φροντίδα των παιδιών, την παιδική μέριμνα, την αλλαγή του κλίματος, ρυιασμός, σχεδιαστής, πρώιμη παιδική ηλικία, βρώσιμα, EYLF, κήπος, λαβύρινθος, τα τοπία, τη Μελβούρνη, φυσικά, Νατουραλιστική, Νέα Νότια Ουαλία, εξωτερική, Περθ, το παιχνίδι, playscape, playspace, προσχολική, Queensland, σκάμμα, Σίδνεϊ, Τες Michaels, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Βικτώρια, Δυτική, την Αυστραλία, τα εργαστήρια, τα παιδιά και τη Φύση, Συντήρηση κήπου, Κηπουρική, Εγχειρίδια, Νατουραλιστική παιχνίδι, Φύση, το έλλειμμα της Φύσης, Playscapes, playspaces , CCA χαλκού χρωμίου αρσενικό, Meliodosis, Πυριτίαση, τοξοπλάσμωση, ηθική ανάπτυξη του παιδιού Brisban,usat, pusat, perawatan anak, perawatan anak, perubahan iklim, sungai tempat tidur, desain, desainer, anak usia dini, dimakan, EYLF, taman, labirin, lanskap, Melbourne, alami, Naturalistik, New South Wales, outdoor, Perth, bermain, playscape, playspace, prasekolah, Queensland, lubang pasir, Sydney, Tess Michaels, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Barat, Australia, lokakarya, Anak dan Alam, Taman Pemeliharaan, Berkebun, Manuals, bermain Naturalistik, Alam, defisit Alam, Playscapes, playspaces , CCA Tembaga krom arsenik, Meliodosis, Silicosis, Toksoplasmosis, perkembangan moral anak, ブリスベン、センター、センター、育児、保育、気候変動、クリークベッド、デザイン、デザイナー、幼児期、食用、EYLF、庭、迷路、風景、メルボルン、自然、自然主義、ニューサウスウェールズ州、屋外、パース、演劇、playscapeplayspace、幼稚園、クイーンズランド州、砂場、シドニー、テスマイケルズ、テッサローズ、Tessarose、ビクトリア、西オーストラリア、ワークショップ、子供と自然、庭のメンテナンス、ガーデニング、マニュアル、自然主義演劇、自然、自然の赤字、PlayscapesplayspacesCCA銅クロムヒ素、Meliodosis、珪肺症、トキソプラズマ症、子供の道徳的発達布里斯班中心,中心,兒童保健,兒童保育,氣候變化,河床,設計,設計師,幼兒教育,食用油,EYLF,花園,迷宮,景觀,墨爾本,自然,自然,新南威爾士,戶外,珀斯,玩,playscapeplayspace,幼兒園,沙坑,昆士蘭,悉尼,苔絲邁克爾斯,泰莎玫瑰,Tessarose,維多利亞,西澳大利亞,工作坊,兒童與自然,園林維護,園藝,手冊,自然發揮,自然,自然赤字,Playscapesplayspaces文建會銅鉻砷,Meliodosis矽肺,弓形體病,對兒童的道德發展,布里斯班中心,中心,儿童保健,儿童保育,气候变化,河床,设计,设计师,幼儿教育,食用油,EYLF,花园,迷宫,景观,墨尔本,自然,自然,新南威尔士,户外,珀斯,玩,playscapeplayspace,幼儿园,沙坑,昆士兰,悉尼,苔丝迈克尔斯,泰莎玫瑰,Tessarose维多利亚,西澳大利亚,工作坊,儿童与自然,园林维护,园艺,手册,自然发挥,自然,自然赤字,Playscapesplayspaces文建会铜铬砷,Meliodosis矽肺,弓形体病,对儿童的道德发展,Brisbane, center, børnepasning, børnepasning, klimaændringer, creek seng, design, designer, tidlige barndom, spiselige, EYLF, have, labyrint, landskaber, Melbourne, naturlige, naturalistiske, New South Wales, udendørs, Perth, leg, playscape, playspace, børnehave, Queensland, sandkasse, Sydney, Tess Michaels, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Western, Australien, workshops, Børn og Natur, Have Vedligeholdelse, Havearbejde, manualer, Naturalistiske leg, Natur, Natur underskud, Playscapes, playspaces , CCA kobber krom arsen, Meliodosis, silikose, Toxoplasmose, barn moralske udvikling,Brisbane, center, centrum, barnomsorg, barnomsorg, klimatförändringar, Creek Bed, design, formgivare, tidig barndom, ätlig, EYLF, trädgård, labyrint, landskap, Melbourne, naturlig, naturalistisk, New South Wales, utomhus, Perth, lek, playscape, playspace, förskola, Queensland, sandlåda, Sydney, Tess Michaels, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Western, Australien, workshops, Barn och natur, Trädgård Underhåll, Trädgårdsskötsel, manualer, Naturalistiska lek, natur, underskott, Playscapes, playspaces , CCA koppar krom arsenik, Meliodosis, silikos, toxoplasmos, barns moraliska utveckling, Brisbane, Mitte, Zentrum, Kinderbetreuung, Kinderbetreuung, Klimawandel, Bachbett, Design, Designer, der frühen Kindheit, essbar, EYLF, Garten, Labyrinth, Landschaften, Melbourne, natürliche, naturalistische, New South Wales, im Freien, Perth, spielen, Spielgelände, playspace, Vorschule, Queensland, Sandkasten, Sydney, Tess Michaels, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Western, Australien, Workshops, Kinder und Natur, Gartenpflege, Gartenarbeit, Handbücher, naturalistische spielen, Nature, Nature Defizit, Spiellandschaften, playspaces , CCA Kupfer-Chrom-Arsen, Meliodosis, Silikose, Toxoplasmose, Kind moralischen Entwicklung, Brisbane, centro, centro, cuidado infantil, cuidado de niños, el cambio climático, lecho del arroyo, el diseño, el diseñador, en la primera infancia, comestibles, EYLF, jardín, laberinto, paisajes, Melbourne, natural, naturalista, Nueva Gales del Sur, al aire libre, Perth, el juego, Jardín Playscape, Playspace, preescolar, Queensland, arenero, Sydney, Michaels Tess, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Western, Australia, talleres, niños y la naturaleza, Mantenimiento, Jardinería, manuales, jugar naturalista, la naturaleza, el déficit de la naturaleza, Playscapes, playspaces , de cobre cromado arsénico CCA, Meliodosis, silicosis, la toxoplasmosis, el desarrollo del niño moral, Kuala Lumpur, pusat, pusat, asuhan kanak-kanak, penjagaan kanak-kanak, perubahan iklim, katil creek, reka bentuk, pereka bentuk, awal zaman kanak-kanak, yang boleh dimakan, EYLF, taman, labirin, landskap, Melbourne, semula jadi, naturalistik, New South Wales, luar, Perth, play,playscape, playspace, tadika, Wilayah Persekutuan, daerah Tanjung berpasir, Sydney, Tess Michaels, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Western, Australia, bengkel, Kanak-kanak dan Nature, Taman Penyelenggaraan, Berkebun, Manual, bermain naturalistik, Alam, defisit Nature, Playscapes, playspaces, CCA tembaga krom arsenik, Meliodosis, silikosis, TOXOPLASMOSIS, perkembangan moral kanak-kanak, ब्रिस्बेनबीचबीचबच्चे की देखभालचाइल्डकैअरजलवायु परिवर्तनक्रीक बिस्तरडिजाइनडिजाइनरबचपनखाद्य, EYLF, बगीचाभूलभुलैयापरिदृश्यमेलबोर्नप्राकृतिकप्राकृतिकन्यू साउथ वेल्सआउटडोरपर्थखेलते हैं,playscape, playspace, पूर्वस्कूलीक्वींसलैंडरेत की खानसिडनीटेस माइकल्सटेसा गुलाब, Tessarose, विक्टोरियापश्चिमीऑस्ट्रेलियाकार्यशालाओं बच्चेऔर प्रकृतिरखरखाव गार्डनबागवानीनियमावलीप्राकृतिक खेलनेप्रकृतिप्रकृति घाटा, Playscapes, playspacesसीसीए कॉपर क्रोम आर्सेनिक, Meliodosis, सिलिकोसिसटोक्सोप्लाज़मोसिज़बच्चे नैतिक विकास, Brisbane, center, center, otroškega varstva, otroškega varstva, podnebne spremembe, potok posteljo, design, oblikovalec, zgodnje otroštvo, užitno, EYLF, vrt, labirint, pokrajine, Melbourne, naravni, naravoslovne, New South Wales, na prostem, Perth, igra, playscape, playspace, vrtec, Queensland, peskovnik, Sydney, Michaels Tess, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Western, Avstralija, delavnice, otroci in Nature, vrt vzdrževanje, Vrtnarstvo, priročniki, naravoslovne igra, Nature, Nature primanjkljaj, Playscapes, playspaces , CCA Copper krom arzen, Meliodosis, silikozo, Toksoplazmoza, moralni razvoj otroka.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Morals and Morale

Whilst Kohlberg and Piaget have their own distinct theories of moral development, any student of development knows that not everyone progresses at the same pace and given certain circumstances some people do not progress as they could or at all. Thus you can have adults who are still in Piagets' preoperational stage or a teen who has attained Kohlbergs' level of postconventional morality.

The nature/nuture concept comes into play with this branch of development as it does with the others. When you think of nurture you usually associate it with things like parents, peers, contemporary fashions usually don't think of board games.  

But I'm sure Weber, when he coined the phrase "Bureaucracy" to refer to a dependable and functioning public service never dreamed it would be corrupted to mean cumbersome, officious and stagnant.      

So there is a certain sad irony how true meanings and intents become corrupted and convoluted by the system. It's these little messages taught subliminally from an early age that get in... unquestioned, unchallenged, the ideas being that winning and material accumulation are sole and worthy aspirations. 

In my experience the true champions of our society, the type of people who we really should be teaching our children to endeavour to be like, are usually people who don't have six figure salaries, flashy cars or ritzy houses. They don't get prestigious awards or huge blurbs in journals. They usually work in poorly paid thankless jobs for under funded organisations. They work with the poor, the sick, the needy and forgotten, those people who are grist for the mill of monopolies. They are my heroes.   

(For those of you who can't read the small script on the board, Monopoly was a game created by an American woman named Elizabeth (Lizzie) J. Magie Phillips through which she intended to illustrate the negative aspects of concentrating land and by association wealth in private monopolies. By the 1970s, the game's early history had been lost).

P.S Just out of interest Anti-Monopoly is a board game made by San Francisco State University Professor Ralph Anspach, in response to Monopoly. Anspach created Anti-Monopoly in part as a response to the "lessons" taught by the mainstream game, which he believed created the impression that monopolies were something desirable. 

Brisbane, center, centre, child care, childcare, climate change, creek bed, design, designer, early childhood, edible, EYLF, garden, labyrinth, landscapes, Melbourne, natural, Naturalistic, New South Wales, outdoor, Perth, play, playscape, playspace, preschool, Queensland, sandpit, Sydney, Tess Michaels, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Western, Australia, workshops, Children and Nature, Garden Maintenance, Gardening, Manuals, Naturalistic play, Nature, Nature deficit, Playscapes, playspaces, CCA Copper chrome arsenic, Meliodosis, Silicosis, Toxoplasmosis, child moral development,Garde d'enfants à Brisbane, centre, centre, garde d'enfants, le changement climatique, lit du ruisseau, la conception, concepteur, de la petite enfance, comestibles, EYLF, jardin, labyrinthe, des paysages, à Melbourne, naturelle, naturaliste, la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, en plein air, de Perth, le jeu, jardin playscape, aire de jeu, préscolaire, du Queensland, bac à sable, à Sydney, Michaels Tess, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria Ouest, l'Australie, des ateliers, des enfants et la nature, entretien, jardinage, manuels, jouent naturaliste, Nature, Nature déficit, Playscapes, aires de jeu , cuivre chromé CCA arsenic, Meliodosis, la silicose, la toxoplasmose, le développement des enfants morale Brisbane, κέντρο, κέντρο, τη φροντίδα των παιδιών, την παιδική μέριμνα, την αλλαγή του κλίματος, ρυάκι κρεβάτι, σχεδιασμός, σχεδιαστής, πρώιμη παιδική ηλικία, βρώσιμα, EYLF, κήπος, λαβύρινθος, τα τοπία, τη Μελβούρνη, φυσικά, Νατουραλιστική, Νέα Νότια Ουαλία, εξωτερική, Περθ, το παιχνίδι, playscape, playspace, προσχολική, Queensland, σκάμμα, Σίδνεϊ, Τες Michaels, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Βικτώρια, Δυτική, την Αυστραλία, τα εργαστήρια, τα παιδιά και τη Φύση, Συντήρηση κήπου, Κηπουρική, Εγχειρίδια, Νατουραλιστική παιχνίδι, Φύση, το έλλειμμα της Φύσης, Playscapes, playspaces , CCA χαλκού χρωμίου αρσενικό, Meliodosis, Πυριτίαση, τοξοπλάσμωση, ηθική ανάπτυξη του παιδιού Brisbane, pusat, pusat, perawatan anak, perawatan anak, perubahan iklim, sungai tempat tidur, desain, desainer, anak usia dini, dimakan, EYLF, taman, labirin, lanskap, Melbourne, alami, Naturalistik, New South Wales, outdoor, Perth, bermain, playscape, playspace, prasekolah, Queensland, lubang pasir, Sydney, Tess Michaels, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Barat, Australia, lokakarya, Anak dan Alam, Taman Pemeliharaan, Berkebun, Manuals, bermain Naturalistik, Alam, defisit Alam, Playscapes, playspaces , CCA Tembaga krom arsenik, Meliodosis, Silicosis, Toksoplasmosis, perkembangan moral anak, ブリスベン、センター、センター、育児、保育、気候変動、クリークベッド、デザイン、デザイナー、幼児期、食用、EYLF、庭、迷路、風景、メルボルン、自然、自然主義、ニューサウスウェールズ州、屋外、パース、演劇、playscapeplayspace、幼稚園、クイーンズランド州、砂場、シドニー、テスマイケルズ、テッサローズ、Tessarose、ビクトリア、西オーストラリア、ワークショップ、子供と自然、庭のメンテナンス、ガーデニング、マニュアル、自然主義演劇、自然、自然の赤字、PlayscapesplayspacesCCA銅クロムヒ素、Meliodosis、珪肺症、トキソプラズマ症、子供の道徳的発達, 布里斯班中心,中心,兒童保健,兒童保育,氣候變化,河床,設計,設計師,幼兒教育,食用油,EYLF,花園,迷宮,景觀,墨爾本,自然,自然,新南威爾士,戶外,珀斯,玩,playscapeplayspace,幼兒園,沙坑,昆士蘭,悉尼,苔絲邁克爾斯,泰莎玫瑰,Tessarose,維多利亞,西澳大利亞,工作坊,兒童與自然,園林維護,園藝,手冊,自然發揮,自然,自然赤字,Playscapesplayspaces文建會銅鉻砷,Meliodosis矽肺,弓形體病,對兒童的道德發展,布里斯班中心,中心,儿童保健,儿童保育,气候变化,河床,设计,设计师,幼儿教育,食用油,EYLF,花园,迷宫,景观,墨尔本,自然,自然,新南威尔士,户外,珀斯,玩,playscapeplayspace,幼儿园,沙坑,昆士兰,悉尼,苔丝迈克尔斯,泰莎玫瑰,Tessarose维多利亚,西澳大利亚,工作坊,儿童与自然,园林维护,园艺,手册,自然发挥,自然,自然赤字,Playscapesplayspaces文建会铜铬砷,Meliodosis矽肺,弓形体病,对儿童的道德发展,Brisbane, center, børnepasning, børnepasning, klimaændringer, creek seng, design, designer, tidlige barndom, spiselige, EYLF, have, labyrint, landskaber, Melbourne, naturlige, naturalistiske, New South Wales, udendørs, Perth, leg, playscape, playspace, børnehave, Queensland, sandkasse, Sydney, Tess Michaels, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Western, Australien, workshops, Børn og Natur, Have Vedligeholdelse, Havearbejde, manualer, Naturalistiske leg, Natur, Natur underskud, Playscapes, playspaces , CCA kobber krom arsen, Meliodosis, silikose, Toxoplasmose, barn moralske udvikling,Brisbane, center, centrum, barnomsorg, barnomsorg, klimatförändringar, Creek Bed, design, formgivare, tidig barndom, ätlig, EYLF, trädgård, labyrint, landskap, Melbourne, naturlig, naturalistisk, New South Wales, utomhus, Perth, lek, playscape, playspace, förskola, Queensland, sandlåda, Sydney, Tess Michaels, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Western, Australien, workshops, Barn och natur, Trädgård Underhåll, Trädgårdsskötsel, manualer, Naturalistiska lek, natur, underskott, Playscapes, playspaces , CCA koppar krom arsenik, Meliodosis, silikos, toxoplasmos, barns moraliska utveckling, Brisbane, Mitte, Zentrum, Kinderbetreuung, Kinderbetreuung, Klimawandel, Bachbett, Design, Designer, der frühen Kindheit, essbar, EYLF, Garten, Labyrinth, Landschaften, Melbourne, natürliche, naturalistische, New South Wales, im Freien, Perth, spielen, Spielgelände, playspace, Vorschule, Queensland, Sandkasten, Sydney, Tess Michaels, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Western, Australien, Workshops, Kinder und Natur, Gartenpflege, Gartenarbeit, Handbücher, naturalistische spielen, Nature, Nature Defizit, Spiellandschaften, playspaces , CCA Kupfer-Chrom-Arsen, Meliodosis, Silikose, Toxoplasmose, Kind moralischen Entwicklung, Brisbane, centro, centro, cuidado infantil, cuidado de niños, el cambio climático, lecho del arroyo, el diseño, el diseñador, en la primera infancia, comestibles, EYLF, jardín, laberinto, paisajes, Melbourne, natural, naturalista, Nueva Gales del Sur, al aire libre, Perth, el juego, Jardín Playscape, Playspace, preescolar, Queensland, arenero, Sydney, Michaels Tess, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Western, Australia, talleres, niños y la naturaleza, Mantenimiento, Jardinería, manuales, jugar naturalista, la naturaleza, el déficit de la naturaleza, Playscapes, playspaces , de cobre cromado arsénico CCA, Meliodosis, silicosis, la toxoplasmosis, el desarrollo del niño moral, Kuala Lumpur, pusat, pusat, asuhan kanak-kanak, penjagaan kanak-kanak, perubahan iklim, katil creek, reka bentuk, pereka bentuk, awal zaman kanak-kanak, yang boleh dimakan, EYLF, taman, labirin, landskap, Melbourne, semula jadi, naturalistik, New South Wales, luar, Perth, play,playscape, playspace, tadika, Wilayah Persekutuan, daerah Tanjung berpasir, Sydney, Tess Michaels, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Western, Australia, bengkel, Kanak-kanak dan Nature, Taman Penyelenggaraan, Berkebun, Manual, bermain naturalistik, Alam, defisit Nature, Playscapes, playspaces, CCA tembaga krom arsenik, Meliodosis, silikosis, TOXOPLASMOSIS, perkembangan moral kanak-kanak, ब्रिस्बेन, बीच, बीच, बच्चे की देखभाल, चाइल्डकैअर, जलवायु परिवर्तन, क्रीक बिस्तर, डिजाइन, डिजाइनर, बचपन, खाद्य, EYLF, बगीचा, भूलभुलैया, परिदृश्य, मेलबोर्न, प्राकृतिक, प्राकृतिक, न्यू साउथ वेल्स, आउटडोर, पर्थ, खेलते हैं,playscape, playspace, पूर्वस्कूली, क्वींसलैंड, रेत की खान, सिडनी, टेस माइकल्स, टेसा गुलाब, Tessarose, विक्टोरिया, पश्चिमी, ऑस्ट्रेलिया, कार्यशालाओं बच्चे, और प्रकृति, रखरखाव गार्डन, बागवानी, नियमावली, प्राकृतिक खेलने, प्रकृति, प्रकृति घाटा, Playscapes, playspacesसीसीए कॉपर क्रोम आर्सेनिक, Meliodosis, सिलिकोसिस, टोक्सोप्लाज़मोसिज़, बच्चे नैतिक विकास, Brisbane, center, center, otroškega varstva, otroškega varstva, podnebne spremembe, potok posteljo, design, oblikovalec, zgodnje otroštvo, užitno, EYLF, vrt, labirint, pokrajine, Melbourne, naravni, naravoslovne, New South Wales, na prostem, Perth, igra, playscape, playspace, vrtec, Queensland, peskovnik, Sydney, Michaels Tess, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Western, Avstralija, delavnice, otroci in Nature, vrt vzdrževanje, Vrtnarstvo, priročniki, naravoslovne igra, Nature, Nature primanjkljaj, Playscapes, playspaces , CCA Copper krom arzen, Meliodosis, silikozo, Toksoplazmoza, moralni razvoj otroka.

Friday, 7 October 2011

CCA - Copper Chrome Arsenic, a mouthful you could never digest.

Treated timber in playspaces, CCA, ACQ, LOSP & Tanalith E.

This summary is an excerpt from  my book "Garden maintenance for playspaces" and is referenced through the Information derived from the CSIRO, APVMA, ERMA, EnHealth, US EPA, Better Health Victoria 
Be aware of the regulations/ legislation in place in your country in respect to the use of timber treated with CCA preservatives. In Canada, the US and Europe their use is prohibited, in others the use of existing structures is allowed (using recommended procedures- see below), in some no guidelines exist.

1) There are no conclusive studies that link playground structures made with timber treated with CCA and cancer. In fact there are a number of studies focused on children’s play environments that indicate that any transfer of arsenic in any form did not pose a health risk.[i] [ii] The UK Health and Safety Executive released the following directive,”Play providers and users should be assured that there is no need to remove CCA-treated items that are otherwise in good order simply because of the presence of CCA. The risk from CCA in this case is extremely low[iii]

2) A link between handling CCA-treated timber (using recommended procedures) and cancer has not been demonstrated, as the potential ingestion rates of arsenic that can be calculated from valid available research are well within tolerable limits[iv].

3) For the wary the following precautions are advised:
· Always wash your hands before eating,
· Do not use wood chip (fines) mulch that have originated from CCA treated timber,
· Paint any existing structures made from CCA timber with exterior coloured UV (opaque) paint. Structures that are constantly used will obviously show greater wear, repaint them yearly or as required.
· If you have or intend to use CCA treated timber in the construction of a raised garden bed line the inside of the bed with plastic and/or plant any root crops at least 100mm from the wood.
· Do not clean CCA treated timber with bleaches, deck cleaners or brighteners that contain sodium hypochlorite, sodium hydroxide, sodium percarbonate, oxalic acid, or citric acid may release toxic chemicals from CCA-treated wood.
· If any construction is being carried out on existing CCA structures ensure that cuts are sealed as above and that any off cuts are disposed off as per your localities regulations. Any individual carrying out work on the structures should be familiar with the PPE that is required as well as safe work procedures relating to any dust generated, sealing of cuts and disposal of off cuts. Under no circumstances can the off cuts be disposed of by burning

4) If, despite the information provided here you are still unhappy or wary of the use of CCA treated timber or have or know of a child who has a particular sensitivity to CCA treated timber DO NOT USE IT, use ACQ, LOSP or Tanalith E- where available).

The main concern with CCA is that it contains arsenic. While not a mutagen, arsenic acts as a carcinogen when ingested at rates above certain tolerable limits. It may initiate skin and liver cancers. The safe or tolerable amounts of arsenic that can be ingested by humans have been accurately determined because, unlike most other pesticides, arsenic occurs naturally and can be found in relatively high levels in the drinking water of some towns in Bangladesh, Japan, Argentina and Taiwan.

Extensive research has shown that arsenic is safe or tolerable to ingest at rates below two µg/kg of body weight per day (World Health Organisation limit), or three µg/kg of body weight per day (Food Standards Australia limit).

Arsenic is the 20th most common element on earth, so the ability for animal life to cope with some level of arsenic is to be expected. Arsenic occurs naturally in Australian soil at concentrations between 0.2 and 50 parts per million (ppm, equal to mg/kg), with an average of five to six ppm.

Copper chromium arsenic (CCA) is Australia's most widely used wood preservative. It has been used safely in Australia for 50 years and some 120 treatment plants are currently operating around the country. During CCA treatment, timber is impregnated with the preservative solution using controlled vacuum/pressure processes

The arsenic used in CCA is in a form (arsenate or pentavalent arsenic) that is five to ten times less toxic than the most toxic form, arsenite (trivalent arsenic). Fixation modifies the arsenate into metal-metal complexes and organo-complexes with wood. Ingestion studies with animals have shown that this greatly reduces its mammalian toxicity.

The fixation process ensures that virtually all the CCA becomes chemically bonded within the wood structure. Since March 2006 producers have been obliged to ensure that the product is adequately fixed before dispatching it from their sites.

The majority of the CCA fixed within timber remains there over its lifetime of service. If it did not, the wood would rot and fail in much less than the 30 - 50 year period for which it is often guaranteed. However, a small amount of leaching inevitably occurs. This can show up in small rises in arsenic levels in the soil close to posts and poles. Studies have found levels return to normal within about 100 mm of posts and 150 - 200 mm of poles or decking.

A number of studies have shown that CCA is not absorbed into above-ground food crops such as grapes[v], tomatoes and cucumbers. There are, however, some reports of a slight increase in arsenic content in root crops such as carrots and beets grown against treated timber, although the arsenic is in a safe organic form and most of it is removed with peeling. Any concern can be eliminated by growing these vegetables more than 100 mm from treated timber garden edgings or by lining the edgings with plastic.

Painting sawn CCA-treated timber has long been recommended as a way of reducing warping and checking and will also reduce dislodgeable arsenic from the timber surface. Oils, stains and clear finishes are often not particularly durable coatings, so that arsenic may still dislodge from the coated timbers. The more durable exterior coloured (opaque) paints reduce levels of dislodgeable arsenic more significantly [vi] [vii].

In Australia, CCA preservatives are regulated by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA). The APVMA implemented a number of restrictions on CCA that became effective in March 2006. The main implementation affecting the public is that CCA is no longer used to treat timber for structures where there is frequent and intimate contact, such as playground equipment, picnic tables, handrails, decking boards, garden furniture and exterior seating.

A review by ERMA in New Zealand[viii] did not find increased health risks from using CCA-treated timber. Nevertheless, the APVMA felt that more studies were needed to support the continued use of a potential carcinogen in high human contact applications and that without those studies it should be restricted.

An important question, following the APVMA decision to restrict CCA for certain uses, is whether to retain existing CCA-treated timber structures, especially playgrounds. Ultimately, this will be an individual's or organisation's decision. Credible research to date suggests that arsenic ingestion from handling CCA-treated timber occurs at well below tolerable levels if the precautions mentioned above are followed.

You therefore need to make your own informed decisions, and not necessarily believe alarmist claims. Note that the USA EPA in its announcement to restrict CCA stated: 'EPA has not concluded that CCA-treated wood poses unreasonable risks to the public for existing CCA-treated wood being used around or near their homes or from wood that remains available in stores. EPA does not believe there is any reason to remove or replace CCA-treated structures, including decks or playground equipment. EPA is not recommending that existing structures or surrounding soils be removed or replaced.'

Similar statements in Australia can be found from EnHealth Council[ix] and Better Health Victoria[x].

One study by the CSIRO in some local kindergartens found that playground equipment would not pose a health risk due to arsenic[xi]. This suggestion was further supported by a comprehensive study in Canada of dislodgeable arsenic levels on the hands of children, which were lower than anticipated in the APVMA review[xii].

ACQ - Alkaline Copper Quartenary is a relatively new treatment which is a water based solution (copper, Didecyldimethylammonium chloride and water) which uses copper to protect against rot and fungal attack and Ammonium Quartenary as a pesticide. ACQ treated timber possesses most of the same qualities as CCA timber in that it can be used in inground applications. It is considered a very safe and very effective product with no risk to humans. At the moment it is approximately 25% more expensive than the CCA and can be sometimes difficult to source. The Osmose company produces both ACQ and LOSP sealants[xiii] .

LOSP - Light Organic Solvent Preservative is a treatment that is usually a white spirit based solvent which contains copper naphthenates and synthetic pyrethroids as well as other chemicals to provide protection from insects and decay. As an alternative to CCA and ACQ treated timber it is generally more expensive and far less effective.

LOSP treated pine is usually machined to the required lengths and shapes before the treatment is applied. As a result of this less pressure is used in the treatment process and a little less penetration of solution is achieved. This does not affect the longevity of the timber, however it means that LOSP timber must not go in ground and if the timber is cut the cut ends must be resealed with a suitable sealant. Most LOSP treated pine must be painted to maintain its warranty, without painting LOSP treated timbers may only last a few years. NB: The exact type of LOSP treatment will determine its lifespan, and if it has to be over painted. Always request from your supplier written details of painting requirements for any LOSP products. Additionally, due to the solvents in LOSP products they are generally more flammable.

LOSP timber is frequently coated with a protective oil based primer which is usually pink. This primer is applied to stabilise and protect timber during storage and installation, not as a paint primer. As a result it is recommended that LOSP primed timber be sanded down to remove the primer before painting. Unprimed LOSP timber is natural in its appearance as the solution used is clear and hence causes no discolouration of the timber. Like CCA the timber will weather and discolour if not stained or painted.

Tanalith E or Copper Azole - is a new water borne solution which again uses copper as a fungicide and azole as a pesticide, it can be used in inground applications and has most of the same properties as CCA treated timber. Water-based preservatives like copper azole leave wood with a clean, paintable surface after they dry. There are two types of Copper Azole: A (CBA-A), and B (CA-B). Copper azole wood preservative is used for treating a variety of softwood species including southern pine, red pine, ponderosa pine, hem-fir and Douglas fir.

· CBA-A: Copper Boron Azole type A was standardized by the American Wood-Preservers' Association (AWPA)1 in 1995 and contains the following ingredients: copper (49%), boron as boric acid (49%), and azole as tebuconazole (2%). Wood treated with CBA-A has a greenish-brown colour and little or no odour.

The use of CBA-A has been generally supplanted by the newer CA-B product.
· CA-B: Copper Azole type B was standardized by the AWPA in 2002 and is composed of copper (96.1%) and azole as tebuconazole (3.9%). Wood treated with CA-B has a greenish-brown colour and little or no odour. CA-B is in widespread use throughout the United States and Canada.

Koppers[xiv] produce a product called Tanalised Ecowood which meets US EPA and European Union standards for use in playgrounds.

[i] Cookson LJ. 2005. Arsenic content of soil and wood chip fines in three kindergartens Ensis Technical Report No. 151, 16 pp.
[ii] Kwon E, Zhang H, Wang Z, Jhangri G, La X, Fok N, Gabos S, Li XF, Le X. 2004. Arsenic on the hands of children after playing in playgrounds. Environmental Health Perspectives 112: 1375-1380.
[iii] UK H&SE Guidance: Copper, Chrome and Arsenic Treated Timber in Children's Playgrounds. Local Authority Circular 47/18, 2004.
[v] Levi MP, Huisingh D, Nesbit WB. 1974. Uptake by grape plants of preservatives from pressure-treated posts not detected. Forest Products J. 24: 97-98.
[vi] Lebow S, Foster D, Lebow P. 2004. Rate of CCA leaching from commercially treated decking. Forest Products J. 54: 81-88.
[vii] Stilwell DE and Musante CL. 2004. Effect of Coatings on CCA Leaching From Wood in a Soil Environment. In: pre-conference proceedings, Environmental impacts of preservative-treated wood. Florida Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, Gainesville, Florida, pp 113-123.
[viii] Read D. 2003. Report on Copper Chromium and Arsenic(CCA) Treated Timber Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA).
[ix] EnHealth. 2005. enHealth Council position on copper chrome arsenate (CCA) treated timber products
[x] Better Health. 2005. Copper chrome arsenic (CCA) treated timber
[xi] Cookson LJ. 2005. Arsenic content of soil and wood chip fines in three kindergartens
[xii] Kwon E, Zhang H, Wang Z, Jhangri G, La X, Fok N, Gabos S, Li XF, Le X. 2004. Arsenic on the hands of children after playing in playgrounds. Environmental Health Perspectives 112: 1375-1380