Saturday, 31 December 2011

The Interweb: Font of all knowledge.

In previous posts I pondered why the sudden rush to get babies and Ipads together. Was it a HAL inspired conspiracy? Was Skynet behind it? Did babies with Ipad's envy other babies with Ipad2's or the infamous tablets and Udraw software.

I think I found the answer in the video below.

Much is being made about a flippant comment that led to a donation of an Ipad to a zoo for the gorillas to use. Apparently the gorillas poo-poo'd the idea (figuratively not literally) however the orang-outangs went "ape" for them.

I was watching the enthusiastic primates trying to obtain as much joy as possible with fingers stuck through the cage (they can't hold the Ipad because they may crush it - Woo Hoo!) when the thought occurred to me if they enjoy painting so much why don't the keepers set up some canvasses, edible paints, and an assortment of brushes and let them exercise those creative urges.

The answer is the same for primate or child - convenience for the caregiver. You have to set up the easel, mix the paints, get the crayons, chalk, or pencils, change the paper, make sure they have a smock/old shirt on, don't get dirty, clean up the area, pay attention to what the artist is doing -so exhausting!

Ironically when you do bother to set up the easel for the Gorillas (or children) their creativity is boundless (unless curtailed by product orientated environments).

This is Koko who can communicate through sign language and is a consummate abstract artist at the Florida Zoo. Click on Koko to see examples of her art work and learn more about her. Notice anything about her pictures?

Spend more time outdoors with kids in 2012

As usual, Christmas 2011 was a wonderful day. My grandkids were blest with many amazing gifts and I had the good fortune to watch many of them open the wrappings. It didn't take long however, for me to realize that most of the gifts were "inside" presents. The average.....child spends 55 hours a week with electronic media. Between DVDs to watch, new computers and phones for social networking, electronic games to master, hundreds of channels of cable/satellite to watch on the big screen TV and iPods/iPads for music and/or more movies, children have little or no time to get any exercise or have interface with the natural world

... kids that spend significant time outdoors are calmer, happier, less likely to be overweight, healthier, better students and more creative.

The farmhouse protects against asthma and allergies

Interesting study given that asthma and allergies are endemic amongst children born and raised in metropolitan environments. I often wondered whether it was the lack of pollution, use of more home grown foods or early exposure to micro-organisms.

Another reason to let your children get down and dirty outside.

"The reason for that, the study found, is that from an early age, these children were heavily exposed to microorganisms in the farming environment.

....These microorganisms trick the immune system by stimulating it intensely, thus strengthening and balancing it throughout the rest of the children's lives.”

Friday, 30 December 2011

Funding Parks Could Save Lives

... recent research suggests that parks aren’t just good for our well-being, they may even be a matter of life and death".

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Playing in the mud is okay at HumaNature School

Playing in the mud is okay at HumaNature School

Listen closely to the birds in the forest canopy, taste the edible roots and feel the wind in your hair. This is part of a primary satisfaction – the moments we experience first-hand, inaccessible by television, recollections in a magazine or Facebook status.
Finding an immediate connection to nature awakens discovery of one’s self and others. This is the core curriculum of HumaNature School, the Traverse City-based education program geared toward students of all ages.
Kriya Townsend and Matt Miller started the HumaNature School after attending the Wilderness Awareness School in Washington, the inspiration and basis for HumaNature’s curriculum and structure.
Both Miller and Townsend are from Traverse City and wanted to bring what they learned in Washington back to their hometown.
The Wilderness Awareness School was founded by Jon Young, who is considered a prominent leader in the nature connection movement – a worldwide “campaign” to bring together people, community and nature.
A 2009 report by the Children & Nature Network on “Children’s Nature Deficit” finds that, in comparison to previous generations, more children today • are obese • are less physically active • spend less time outdoors • spend more time in front of media such as television and video games • know less about common wildlife • are supervised more • are vitamin D deficient (which comes from sun exposure) • are less concerned about the environment • are being raised in smaller indoor spaces.
“That disconnection from nature was a huge inspiration for Matt and I to bring this back,” Townsend notes about the nature connection curriculum. “It’s about nurturing and seeing that this is fundamental to being alive.”
There’s a difference between showing the importance of something and allowing one to discover that importance, Townsend added.
“Our niche is establishing a connection,” she explains. “It’s not just telling a child, ‘This is a chestnut tree,’ it’s asking questions and encouraging curiosity.”
HumaNature goes beyond simply identifying plants, animals, rocks and bird calls.
This form of education is called “coyote mentoring,” which goes beyond showing versus telling; rather, it’s a way for the child to come to his or her own conclusion.
At first, the activities look merely like a bunch of kids at play (adults included), but below the surface is a group learning collectively through experience. This could involve walking barefoot in the grass, running through the woods or digging up edible plants.
Townsend is quick to point to Richard Louv’s 2005 book, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children form Nature-Deficit Disorder, to illustrate this. “I knew my woods and my fields; I knew every bend in the creek and dip in the beaten dirt paths. I wandered those woods even in my dreams. A kid today can likely tell you about the Amazon rain forest — but not about the last time he or she explored the woods in solitude, or lay in a field listening to the wind and watching the clouds move,” Louv wrote.
“Play in nature, particularly during the critical period of middle childhood, appears to be an especially important time for developing the capacities for creativity, problem-solving, and emotional and intellectual development,” states Dr. Stephen R. Kellert in his book, Building for Life: Designing and Understanding the Human-Nature Connection,” on the subject of nature and childhood development. “Unfortunately, during at least the past 25 years, the chances for children to directly experience nature during playtime has drastically declined.
For many reasons, most children today have fewer opportunities to spontaneously engage and immerse themselves in the nearby outdoors.”
“Parents will pick up their kids after school and they’ll be covered in dirt,” laughed Townsend, “and they’re ok with it.”
After some time in the program, students will surprise their parents with all the information they’ve picked up through that time spent “playing in the dirt.”
“I’ll receive the information while hiking with the kids,” said Sarah Payette, about two of her three children who are attending Huma- Nature. “They’ll start talking about poisonous and edible plants...all kinds of facts. It seems to come out so naturally.”
“Nature school is awesome!” said one child in Jake Moran’s class. Moran, who enrolled in the adult program a few years ago, now serves as a student apprentice.
“It’s exciting to help someone make that connection,” he said.
While children’s programs are heavily attended, the HumaNature School offers a variety of adult programs, including basics in winter survival.
“We learn fire by friction, what trees to use for shelter, how to find dry firewood,” said Townsend. These are skills that teens will also be able to learn at HumaNature.
The adult classes meet every fourth Sunday of the month (excluding December), now through the end of May. Youth classes are available weekly to homeschoolers, Tuesdays for ages 6-12 and fall and spring after-school programs for ages 10-14.

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Selling U crap you just don't need

 Hot off the block and already they're already less than half price.

I was drawn to this advertisement in a local electronics catalogue the same way that you stare at an accident as you drive past. You know that it would be better if you didn't see it and remember all that mayhem, carnage but you just can't stop looking at that pointless, useless destruction. In the case of the latest electronic hit from the big three, the pointless, useless destruction of simplicity.

Sony tells me that by buying this peripheral (and the associated UDRAW software and hardware) my "creativity (will) soar to new heights as you discover a world of imagination and learning."

Nintendo suggests that "Once you’ve created your perfect picture, and perhaps applied one of more than 15 post-processing effects to turn it black and white, sepia or neon, there’s still fun to be had. For starters, via the replay function, you can enjoy watching your images unfold again 2x or 4x faster than you originally conjured them up." Oh, please no stop, will the fun ever end. 

Finally the Xbox equivalent promises that the UDRAW drawing software and games are, "innovative features that (will) allow kids to express themselves and bring their imaginations to life".


Just in case you cannot afford these nifty new electronic geegaws consider the time honoured alternatives:
UPaper, Upencils, Ucrayons, UChalk, Upaint and Ubloody impressive.


Schools and Daycare Are Top Sources of Kids' Toxic Chemical Exposure

Do you know where you won't find toxic levels of PCB's?........ rhymes with outdoor playspace.

"New research from the University of Birmingham in England found that daycare centers and classrooms are a significant source of exposure to flame retardants and polycholorinated biphenyls (PCBs) for children from 1 to 6-years-old....inadvertent dust ingestion is a risk particular for kids who crawl on floors and often stick their fingers in their mouths.

HBCD is one of the biggest concerns. The chemical was detected in all dust samples and levels were significantly higher than those recorded in homes and offices. Even though animal studies have linked HBCD exposure to endocrine disruption, the largely used flame retardant is currently unrestricted in the United States, Europe and the United Kingdom. 
While the research is a cause for concern to scientists, the health effects of long term exposure to these toxic chemicals are largely unknown. Though some flame retardants have been shown to adversely affect the nervous system and reproduction.

Levels of PCBs in the UK daycare centers and schools were similar to concentrations reported in UK homes. However, according to Environmental Health News, data suggests the PCB levels in US daycare centers are higher and may pose a bigger threat to kid’s health."

Rolling on the floor, laughing

Which was exactly what I was doing when I read this article.

This is not new, I used to have one when I was young. I took it outside and put it on the Iground and used my    Ifoot to kick it to my Ibrother, then he would pick it up and throw it to me and I would catch it in my Ihands, not even a crystal radio in sight.



Great blog which I think the owners started with that ancient and honoured concept of "Satirical Irony" in mind.
Can't say if all the contributors get the joke.

Further to my previous article on babies being shackled with computers and proud parents who think that if their child can use an "app" they will be the next Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs wasn't even Steve Jobs. Incidentally "room full of monkeys, typewriters, complete works of Shakespeare" thing, here's a cat using a number of "app's" on an Ipad (I guess that gets him a MENSA felllowship), and a bearded dragon playing an app, and a toad ....... get the idea.

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Lego targets girls with block and awe campaign

What's Danish for gender stereo-typing?  I think it's Illbebuggeredif I'dbuythiscråp, possibly an æ or a ø in there somewhere. A pink top with hearts, a pretty skirt and a yellow bow, how thoroughly new age.

"LEGO is launching a bid to win a slice of the lucrative girls' toy market, branching out from its traditionally boy-focused construction blocks. How can a coloured plastic block be sexually   orientated ?

The Danish company developed its new range, the Lego Friends collection, after four years of development, including interviews with several thousand girls and mothers worldwide. Lego said its research found girls wanted more realistic details, characters they could relate to, accessories, interior building and role-play opportunities. Oh really the girls said that all by themselves?

While Lego has made some attempts to attract the girls' market with the pastel-hued Clikits range (very unfortunate name), this will be the first time the company has released a range aimed at girls which uses Lego's core theme of construction.

The senior creative director for the Lego Group, Nanna Ulrich Gudum, said girls wanted Lego that mirrored the boys' experience, but also appealed to their interest in remodelling and redesign ???? whose constructions are they remodelling and redesigning?, and themes like community and friendship. Males don't like community and friendship? 

"What Lego Friends does differently is deliver the beauty, details, accessories, real world themes and need for strong interior play that the research revealed would make all the difference for girls aged five and up,"  And that research substantiated that boys do not need these elements for their cognitive, fine motor, psych-social and language skills. Are you saying the current "boys" range does not address these concepts?  

Lego Friends centres on five girls in a fictional town called Heartlake City. Each of the friends - Olivia, Mia, Andrea, Stephanie and Emma - has a distinct personality (and with one exception a name ending in "A") and interests such as animals, performing arts, invention and design. Of my schoolhood GIRL friends one was interested in cricket, another in football, another in car engines and one was an avid carpenter. 

Lego's brand manager for Australia and New Zealand, Karen Owen, said the range, which will be in stores by March, reflected feedback from parents. ''Lego is all about construction and we do know that girls like to build. Parents have been asking us to come up with an offering for their daughters for a long time. ''Parents value [Lego] because it's not a pre-fabricated toy, a one-trick wonder that rolls out of the box already done.''   Wow that's it, it wasn't Lego who was gender stereo-typing girls it was the parents. Lego is just responding to a "thoroughly researched" ingrained prejudice and attempting to cash in on that "need".  All's well then.


Sunday, 25 December 2011

Selfishness, selflessness and altruism

I was thinking about a friends 19 year old daughter the other day.

She's living on a shoestring budget and coping with the hurly burly first year of university. Regardless, she still worked in her spare time to save up enough money so she could fly to the mountain regions of Costa Rica and spend her holidays mixing cement to construct a school for the children of an extremely poor culture.

Three things:
1. I am in awe of her altruism, at the same age I was a stew of hormones and alcohol desperately
    seeking self identity, as self centred as a cyclone,
2. I was wrong in my generalisation about her generation,
3. It's nice to know that you never get to old to be delightfully surprised when you discover your wrong.  

The train of thought which led to this post started off with an article in from the Sydney Morning Herald entitled The stingy rich need to dig deep by Adele Horin in which she discusses the actions and research of Bill Ferris, Dick Smith, Professor Andrew Leigh, Simon Mordant and "the notoriously stingy Australian rich".

She states. "In Australia, the super-wealthy have the best of both worlds. They enjoy opportunities to halve their effective tax rates though salary sacrificing, negative gearing and income splitting through family trusts; as well, they are untouched by a culture of noblesse oblige that in other countries propels the rich to give back to the community. Here the rich, along with everyone else, rely on government to fix social problems and fund services, while pumping their own fortunes into real estate and personal consumption"

Leigh refers to ," A man I described as ''rich'' during an interview recoiled from the adjective on the grounds he was not in the BRWRich List even though he was by any standards immensely wealthy"

Simon Mordant refers to"wealthy folk , prompted by his example, approached him saying they did not know how to give. He was gratified by their seeking his advice, he told me, and shocked they had no idea what to do with their money. They had no passions, and he had to prompt them into thinking about sick relatives and hospitals, their children and schools, and so on, to spark a light."

The second article was from Free Range Kids entitled Kid, 11, Attends a Wake…on His Own. It details how an US 11 year old, Jared, who wasn't allowed outside by himself?,  dressed himself in formal attire and rode a mile on his bicycle to pay his respects to fireman killed on duty. Jared did not know the fireman but had experienced grief, his older half-brother was killed in Iraq very recently.

Both articles got me thinking about how the concepts of selfishness and selflessness and the act of altruism are perceived in our society.

Most people think they know what they mean and give them no further thought. People who don't know what they mean look for a reference, a knowledgeable source that will define things.The Merriam-Webster on-line dictionary, thesaurus and general all round font of knowledge states that to be;
Selfish - is to be concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others.
Selfless - is to have no concern for ones self and 
Altruism - is unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others or behaviour by an animal that is not beneficial to or may be harmful to itself but that benefits others of its species

From my experience in this world I do not believe that in reality the definitions and actions are so black and white. I believe that selfishness and selflessness can be like cholesterol (good or bad) and on some occasions and in certain situations can be neither of either.

Anyone who has spent time in a profession where they are asked to give of themselves, and survived burnout knows that in order to be continuously selfless one needs to sometimes be selfish. Conversely the act of selflessness can be subject to stage management and opportunism on the part of those that want to to be know publicly, for some gain on their part, as altruists. 

Why is it that when a person who has lots, gives a little of it away we celebrate the occasion as if they should be sanctified. Why is it that when a person who has a little, gives away what they have on a constant basis there is no recognition or regard. Why do we now live in a culture where intelligent? adults claim, "they did not know how to give". 

The answer is simple yet complex. We live in an artificial society that we have allowed to be created around us. From an early age we are bombarded with commercialism, the idea that who we are equates with what we have. We have to have.. the newest, the latest, the greatest. I-pods, I-phones, I-pads, I-tunes, there is no ambiguity in the choice or use of this particular pronoun. Every day in every way we are led to believe that life, and all the people in it, are, or should be, centred around us and our needs.

I have worked at various centres where colleagues have berated very young children to share. Whilst a great ideal, before certain cognitive and moral development occurs children are simply not able to conceptualise the idea, and those that are made aware of the idea understand it as a rule rather than a concept.

We don't share or consider others when we get older because with rare exceptions most of us have no earlier experiences where we are able to practice and consolidate the ideals into our personal life philosophies.
However this does not mean change is not possible. You can start any day, any time, anywhere. Perform a selfless act without benefit to yourself, without anyone knowing, without hope or intent of recompense or recognition - except the joy it will invariably bring to you.

This is the true joy in life - being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap; being a force of nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. ~George Bernard Shaw


Friday, 23 December 2011

Green Invasion / Genaro Alva, Claudia Ampuero, Denise Ampuero, Gloria Rojas | Platform Architecture

Green Invasion / Genaro Alva, Claudia Ampuero, Denise Ampuero, Gloria Rojas | Platform Architecture

An exceptional project from the city of Lima. The projects attempts to create free green space in an area whose local government has purposely bowed to developers by ignoring the requirement for urban greening in favour of building density.

To quote the article which has been translated from Spanish, "The rapid growth of the city of Lima has meant that it begins to densify considerably to meet existing demands. Consequently there is a real estate boom which seeks to provide as much as possible m2 aside public recreation spaces. Furthermore, the lack of urban policy by municipalities has led to the recreational spaces for the city such as parks, plazas, boulevards, etc., are considered unimportant in the concept of quality of life or become private clubs with a minimum payment you can access your benefits."

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the Metropolitan Development Plan (PLANDEMET), among others, for each inhabitant of a city, it should offer recreation area 8m2. In our case the city of Lima offers its citizens only 1.98 m2 per inhabitant, ie there is a deficit of about 4800 hectares of recreational areas.

It is against this context that the proposal INVASION GREEN, which seeks demonstrate the lack of recreation areas, the lack of an urban tree planting plan and landscaping to Lima. All this through the occupation of an area in the city wear, which will be recovered as a result will reactivate the public sense of the city. In addition, this appropriation will be reactive, as users involved in the expansion of this invasion that reproduces and grows for the benefit of the city.

The proposal aims to turn the passage Incarnation, used as a pedestrian street parking despite being banned in a large green carpet made ​​of natural grass which will feature furniture made ​​from recycled rubber and plastic (seats , tables, playgrounds, sculptures, etc..) so the green invasion not only has a literal meaning but an ecological sense.

Can you imagine living somewhere you have to pay to go to the park? 

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Nature's classroom

The latest Kaiser Family Foundation study (a body I would trust to perform an accurate assessment) shows that,"young people spend almost every waking minute when they are not in school using a smartphone, computer or television. The typical 8- to 18-year-old devotes an average 7 hours and 38 minutes to using entertainment media across a typical day, the study showed. In fact, youths spend so much time "media multitasking" - such as listening to their IPods while they use a computer - that they actually manage to pack in a total of 10 hours and 45 minutes into those 7 1/2 hours. Moreover, the time spent indoors has grown in just five years by an hour and 17 minutes a day."

"Reversing the trend, however, isn't going to be easy, say experts like Emporia State University Biology Professor John Richard Schrock, especially in a world where parents fear strangers and schools are cutting field trips and focusing more on studying for government-mandated tests.

"We're losing the battle and we know it," said Schrock, who also is director of biology education at ESU. "It already is lost in California and other places. (There was) This was a little girl who didn't go much outside," she said. "I live in the country, and just going out and walking into the fields, picking up a clod of dirt, was a novelty to her. Beal introduced the girl to outdoor activities such as riding bicycles and jumping on a trampoline. They have even had a hot dog roast - something the elementary school student said she had never experienced.

"I surveyed biology teachers in 1991 and 2009, and field trips have gone to nothing," he said. "It's becoming obvious. If we want children outside, then it is going to have to be the parent. The schools are becoming test-prep prisons."

For example, he said, children aren't having experiences that would lead them into nature-based jobs. Limited outdoor experiences also have trickled down to the agriculture industry, where, he believes - with more Americans removed from the family farm - more are ignorant about how it operates. This, in turn, draws more animal-rights sympathizers.

"They don't have the normal experiences children should have growing up," Schrock said. "Kids used to play in the backyard, play in sand piles. Now they don't even know what a tree is in their front yard because they haven't climbed it."

Getting young people outdoors, playing in nature, also is the philosophy at Hutchinson's Dillon Nature Center, said director Jim Smith. For the past year, Smith and others have been working on a natural playscape at the center. It includes a stream for children to play in, as well as a garden, a sand area, hills and a stage. He hopes that, besides outdoor play, it will help kids use their imaginations - something he notices is lacking in today's youth.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

iPhones | Steve Jobs | Nature Deficit Disorder

"Oxford University neuroscientist,Susan Greenfield ....... argues that children are in danger of confusing the fictional life of the web with real life, detailing the case of two 11-year-old girls who beat up two other girls and then couldn't understand why they just didn't get back onto their feet. In the real world seriously wounded people can't perform this feat. In other words the distinction between what's on a screen and what's out there is getting rather woolly — at least for the upcoming generation.

Whether we get children to re-connect with nature through the real thing or with clever apps, if the present trend continues, we may be raising a generation unable to cope with regular nature, let alone the vagaries of climate change."

Friday, 16 December 2011

In this detour you can choose Kaboom or Kat album

Sick of Christmas conviviality yet? Buying presents for people you don't and would rather not see for the rest of the year. Pre Christmas anxiety at seeing Uncle Earl who will again tell you how to catch sand worms for bait using left over fish guts? Rather napalm the whole clan?  Ah...the wonder of it all.

In the mean time take solace from gratuitously blowing things up (no cats hurt in the making of this stress release application) or chuckle along with those zany cats and kittens as they seek to recreate famous album covers of the last decades.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Worst Christmas Gifts For Kids Ever

Worst Christmas Gifts For Kids Ever (PHOTOS)

If you ever needed a reason to get your child back to nature these Christmas gifts are it!
Terrifying rocks, sinister sticks, insidious insects (or being eaten alive by a bear) would be less damaging.

BTW - Barbie and Tanner are one of the least creepy and offensive products

To quote the article it highlights, "a treasure-trove of toys out there that are so strangely and indescribably inappropriate for children that you just have to experience them for yourselves. So in the spirit of these peculiar playthings, we found 25 children's toys that you do NOT want to give your kids for the holidays." 

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Mario Cucinella's 20 Green Schools for Gaza Will Cost $2 Million Each

Mario Cucinella's 20 Green Schools for Gaza Will Cost $2 Million Each | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World

A formidable use of the environment, paired with a contemporary design that uses local cultural wisdom. All made possible by the Kuwait Fund and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

Mario Cucinella has designed a gorgeous prototype for the first of twenty green schools that will soon pop up throughout the Gaza Strip at a price of $2 million a pop. Combining contemporary sustainable design with ancient Islamic architecture, these schools will be 100% self-sustaining so that up to 16,000 children will have access to a bright green education............. (the) schools that will be solar-powered, heated and cooled by cutting edge geothermal systems, and harvest rainwater and recycle grey water.

Sunday, 11 December 2011


CAL, INC is a non-profit studio dedicated to effecting positive change through education. Using the discipline of architecture as a catalyst, and the art of building as a tool, we inspire students to think about our environment and how they may improve upon it. We empower kids and young adults to meet every challenge with creativity and the confidence that comes from having acquired knowledge and skills- some traditional, and some unique to the 21st century.

Wish I had something like this when I was growing up.

When Kids Have to Play Tag on the Low-Down « FreeRangeKids

Balls, Sinister Snow, Tag (yes I know, it's a joke) 

OMFG!!! (Oh My Fairy Garden) First balls, then tag, then the sinister snow. Very soon the poor little muffins will have to sit very quietly at recess and think about what fun it would be to play until its time to get fed back into the education machine.

Brisbane, center, centre, child care, childcare, climate change, creek bed, design, designer, early childhood, edible, EYLF, garden, labyrinth, landscapes, Melbourne, natural, Naturalistic, New South Wales, outdoor, Perth, play, playscape, playspace, preschool, Queensland, sandpit, Sydney, Tess Michaels, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Western, Australia, workshops, Children and Nature, Garden Maintenance, Gardening, Manuals, Naturalistic play, Nature, Nature deficit, Playscapes, playspaces, CCA Copper chrome arsenic, Meliodosis, Silicosis, Toxoplasmosis, child moral development,Garde d'enfants à Brisbane, centre, centre, garde d'enfants, le changement climatique, lit du ruisseau, la conception, concepteur, de la petite enfance, comestibles, EYLF, jardin, labyrinthe, des paysages, à Melbourne, naturelle, naturaliste, la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, en plein air, de Perth, le jeu, jardin playscape, aire de jeu, préscolaire, du Queensland, bac à sable, à Sydney, Michaels Tess, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria Ouest, l'Australie, des ateliers, des enfants et la nature, entretien, jardinage, manuels, jouent naturaliste, Nature, Nature déficit, Playscapes, aires de jeu , cuivre chromé CCA arsenic, Meliodosis, la silicose, la toxoplasmose, le développement des enfants morale Brisbane, κέντρο, κέντρο, τη φροντίδα των παιδιών, την παιδική μέριμνα, την αλλαγή του κλίματος, ρυάκι κρεβάτι, σχεδιασμός, σχεδιαστής, πρώιμη παιδική ηλικία, βρώσιμα, EYLF, κήπος, λαβύρινθος, τα τοπία, τη Μελβούρνη, φυσικά, Νατουραλιστική, Νέα Νότια Ουαλία, εξωτερική, Περθ, το παιχνίδι, playscape, playspace, προσχολική, Queensland, σκάμμα, Σίδνεϊ, Τες Michaels, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Βικτώρια, Δυτική, την Αυστραλία, τα εργαστήρια, τα παιδιά και τη Φύση, Συντήρηση κήπου, Κηπουρική, Εγχειρίδια, Νατουραλιστική παιχνίδι, Φύση, το έλλειμμα της Φύσης, Playscapes, playspaces , CCA χαλκού χρωμίου αρσενικό, Meliodosis, Πυριτίαση, τοξοπλάσμωση, ηθική ανάπτυξη του παιδιού Brisbane, pusat, pusat, perawatan anak, perawatan anak, perubahan iklim, sungai tempat tidur, desain, desainer, anak usia dini, dimakan, EYLF, taman, labirin, lanskap, Melbourne, alami, Naturalistik, New South Wales, outdoor, Perth, bermain, playscape, playspace, prasekolah, Queensland, lubang pasir, Sydney, Tess Michaels, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Barat, Australia, lokakarya, Anak dan Alam, Taman Pemeliharaan, Berkebun, Manuals, bermain Naturalistik, Alam, defisit Alam, Playscapes, playspaces , CCA Tembaga krom arsenik, Meliodosis, Silicosis, Toksoplasmosis, perkembangan moral anak,,Brisbane, center, børnepasning, børnepasning, klimaændringer, creek seng, design, designer, tidlige barndom, spiselige, EYLF, have, labyrint, landskaber, Melbourne, naturlige, naturalistiske, New South Wales, udendørs, Perth, leg, playscape, playspace, børnehave, Queensland, sandkasse, Sydney, Tess Michaels, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Western, Australien, workshops, Børn og Natur, Have Vedligeholdelse, Havearbejde, manualer, Naturalistiske leg, Natur, Natur underskud, Playscapes, playspaces , CCA kobber krom arsen, Meliodosis, silikose, Toxoplasmose, barn moralske udvikling,Brisbane, center, centrum, barnomsorg, barnomsorg, klimatförändringar, Creek Bed, design, formgivare, tidig barndom, ätlig, EYLF, trädgård, labyrint, landskap, Melbourne, naturlig, naturalistisk, New South Wales, utomhus, Perth, lek, playscape, playspace, förskola, Queensland, sandlåda, Sydney, Tess Michaels, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Western, Australien, workshops, Barn och natur, Trädgård Underhåll, Trädgårdsskötsel, manualer, Naturalistiska lek, natur, underskott, Playscapes, playspaces , CCA koppar krom arsenik, Meliodosis, silikos, toxoplasmos, barns moraliska utveckling, Brisbane, Mitte, Zentrum, Kinderbetreuung, Kinderbetreuung, Klimawandel, Bachbett, Design, Designer, der frühen Kindheit, essbar, EYLF, Garten, Labyrinth, Landschaften, Melbourne, natürliche, naturalistische, New South Wales, im Freien, Perth, spielen, Spielgelände, playspace, Vorschule, Queensland, Sandkasten, Sydney, Tess Michaels, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Western, Australien, Workshops, Kinder und Natur, Gartenpflege, Gartenarbeit, Handbücher, naturalistische spielen, Nature, Nature Defizit, Spiellandschaften, playspaces , CCA Kupfer-Chrom-Arsen, Meliodosis, Silikose, Toxoplasmose, Kind moralischen Entwicklung, Brisbane, centro, centro, cuidado infantil, cuidado de niños, el cambio climático, lecho del arroyo, el diseño, el diseñador, en la primera infancia, comestibles, EYLF, jardín, laberinto, paisajes, Melbourne, natural, naturalista, Nueva Gales del Sur, al aire libre, Perth, el juego, Jardín Playscape, Playspace, preescolar, Queensland, arenero, Sydney, Michaels Tess, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Western, Australia, talleres, niños y la naturaleza, Mantenimiento, Jardinería, manuales, jugar naturalista, la naturaleza, el déficit de la naturaleza, Playscapes, playspaces , de cobre cromado arsénico CCA, Meliodosis, silicosis, la toxoplasmosis, el desarrollo del niño moral, Kuala Lumpur, pusat, pusat, asuhan kanak-kanak, penjagaan kanak-kanak, perubahan iklim, katil creek, reka bentuk, pereka bentuk, awal zaman kanak-kanak, yang boleh dimakan, EYLF, taman, labirin, landskap, Melbourne, semula jadi, naturalistik, New South Wales, luar, Perth, play,playscape, playspace, tadika, Wilayah Persekutuan, daerah Tanjung berpasir, Sydney, Tess Michaels, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Western, Australia, bengkel, Kanak-kanak dan Nature, Taman Penyelenggaraan, Berkebun, Manual, bermain naturalistik, Alam, defisit Nature, Playscapes, playspaces, CCA tembaga krom arsenik, Meliodosis, silikosis, TOXOPLASMOSIS, perkembangan moral kanak-kanak, ब्रिस्बेन, बीच, बीच, बच्चे की देखभाल, चाइल्डकैअर, जलवायु परिवर्तन, क्रीक बिस्तर, डिजाइन, डिजाइनर, बचपन, खाद्य, EYLF, बगीचा, भूलभुलैया, परिदृश्य, मेलबोर्न, प्राकृतिक, प्राकृतिक, न्यू साउथ वेल्स, आउटडोर, पर्थ, खेलते हैं,playscape, playspace, पूर्वस्कूली, क्वींसलैंड, रेत की खान, सिडनी, टेस माइकल्स, टेसा गुलाब, Tessarose, विक्टोरिया, पश्चिमी, ऑस्ट्रेलिया, कार्यशालाओं बच्चे, और प्रकृति, रखरखाव गार्डन, बागवानी, नियमावली, प्राकृतिक खेलने, प्रकृति, प्रकृति घाटा, Playscapes, playspacesसीसीए कॉपर क्रोम आर्सेनिक, Meliodosis, सिलिकोसिस, टोक्सोप्लाज़मोसिज़, बच्चे नैतिक विकास, Brisbane, center, center, otroškega varstva, otroškega varstva, podnebne spremembe, potok posteljo, design, oblikovalec, zgodnje otroštvo, užitno, EYLF, vrt, labirint, pokrajine, Melbourne, naravni, naravoslovne, New South Wales, na prostem, Perth, igra, playscape, playspace, vrtec, Queensland, peskovnik, Sydney, Michaels Tess, Tessa Rose, Tessarose, Victoria, Western, Avstralija, delavnice, otroci in Nature, vrt vzdrževanje, Vrtnarstvo, priročniki, naravoslovne igra, Nature, Nature primanjkljaj, Playscapes, playspaces , CCA Copper krom arzen, Meliodosis, silikozo, Toksoplazmoza, moralni razvoj otroka, بريسبان، ومركز، ومركز، ورعاية الأطفال ورعاية الأطفال، وتغير المناخ ، والخور السرير ، والتصميم ، والمصمم ، الطفولة المبكرة ، والطعام ، وEYLF، حديقة ، متاهة، والمناظر الطبيعية، وملبورن، والطبيعية ، طبيعي، نيو ساوث ويلز، في الهواء الطلق، بيرث، لعب ، playscape، playspace، مرحلة ما قبل المدرسة، كوينزلاند ، حفرة رملية، سيدني ، تيس مايكلز ، تيسا روز ،Tessarose، فيكتوريا ، غرب أستراليا، وحلقات العمل والطفولة والطبيعة ، وصيانة الحدائق ، والحدائق، والكتيبات، ولعبطبيعي، طبيعة ، طبيعة العجز، Playscapes، playspaces والتقييم القطري المشترك الزرنيخ الكروم والنحاس ،Meliodosis، السحار الرملي، داء المقوسات، وتنمية الطفل المعنوية, 布里斯班中心,中心,儿童保健,儿童保育,气候化,河床,设计设计师,幼儿教育,食用油,EYLF,花园,迷,景,墨本,自然,自然,新南威州,外,珀斯,玩,playscapeplayspace,幼儿园,沙坑,昆士,悉尼,苔丝迈斯,泰莎玫瑰,Tessarose多利州,西澳大利,工作坊,儿童与自然,园林维护,园,手册,自然发挥,自然,自然赤字,Playscapesplayspaces,文建会铜铬砷,Meliodosis,弓形体病,儿童的道德, ბრიზბენი, ცენტრი, ცენტრი, ბავშვის მოვლის, ბავშვზე ზრუნვის, კლიმატის ცვლილება,Creek საწოლი, დიზაინი, დიზაინერი, ადრეულ ბავშვობაში, საკვები, EYLF, ბაღი,ლაბირინთი, პეიზაჟები, მელბურნის, ბუნებრივი, Naturalistic, ახალი სამხრეთი უელსი,გარე, Perth, სპექტაკლი, playscape, playspace, სკოლამდელი აღზრდის, Queensland,sandpit, სიდნეი, Tess Michaels, Tessa ვარდების, Tessarose, ვიქტორია, დასავლეთ, ავსტრალია, სემინარებს, ბავშვები და ბუნება, ბაღის მოვლა, მებაღეობა,სახელმძღვანელოები, Naturalistic სპექტაკლი, ბუნება, ბუნება დეფიციტი, Playscapes,playspaces , მდგომარეობის სპილენძის ქრომირებული დარიშხანის, Meliodosis, Silicosis,Toxoplasmosis, ბავშვის მორალური განვითარების, ריסביין, מרכז, מרכז, טיפול בילדים, טיפול בילדים, שינויי אקלים, מיטה נחל, עיצוב, מעצב, בילדות המוקדמת,אכיל, EYLF, גינה, מבוך, נופים, מלבורן, טבעי, נטורליסטי, ניו סאות' ויילס, חוצות, פרת', לשחק, playscape,playspace, גני ילדים, קווינסלנד, ארגז חול, סידני, טס מייקלס, טסה רוז, Tessarose, ויקטוריה, מערבאוסטרליה, סדנאות לילדים בטבע, גן תחזוקה, גינון, מדריכים, משחקים מן הטבע, טבע, הגירעון הטבע,Playscapes, playspaces , המרכז לאמנות עכשווית נחושת וארסן כרום, Meliodosis, צורנת,טוקסופלזמוזיס, התפתחות הילד מוסרית,  브리즈번, 센터, 센터, 보육, 육아, 기후 변화, 개울, 디자인, 디자이너, 유년기, 식용, EYLF, 정원, 미로, 풍경, 멜버른, 자연, 자연, 뉴사우스 웨일즈, 야외, 퍼스, 재생, playscape, playspace,유치원, 퀸즐랜드, 모래 파는 , 시드니, 테스 마이클, 테사 로즈, Tessarose, 빅토리아, 웨스턴 오스트 레일 리아, 워크샵, 어린이, 자연, 정원 관리, 원예, 매뉴얼, 자연 놀이, 자연, 자연 적자, Playscapes, playspaces , CCA 구리 크롬 비소, Meliodosis, Silicosis, Toxoplasmosis, 어린이 도덕 개발, بریزبن، مرکز، مرکز مراقبت از کودکان، مراقبت از کودکان، تغییرات آب و هوایی، بستر نهر، طراحی، طراح، دوران کودکی،خوراکی ، EYLF، باغ، لابیرنت، مناظر ، ملبورن ، طبیعی ، طبیعی، نیو ساوت ولز، در فضای باز، پرت، بازی،playscape، playspace، مهد کودک، کوئینزلند ، sandpit، سیدنی ، مایکل تس، تسا رز، Tessarose، ویکتوریا ، غربی، استرالیا، کارگاه های آموزشی ، کودکان و طبیعت، تعمیر و نگهداری باغ، باغبانی، دفترچه راهنما، بازی های طبیعی، طبیعت، طبیعت کسری، Playscapes، playspaces، CCA مس آرسنیک کروم ، Meliodosis، سیلیکوزیس، توکسوپلاسموز، توسعه اخلاقی کودکان،, Брисбен, центр, центр, уход за детьми, уход за детьми, изменения климата, ручейкровати, дизайн, дизайнер, раннего детства, съедобные, EYLF, сад, лабиринт, пейзажи, Мельбурн, природных, натуралистические, Новый Южный Уэльс, на улице, Перт, играть,playscape, playspace, дошкольных, Квинсленд, песочница, Сидней, Тесс Майклс, ТессаРоуз, Tessarose, Виктория, Западная Австралия, мастерских, детях и природе,обслуживание сада, Садоводство, справочники, натуралистические игры, природа, природа дефицита, Playscapes, playspaces , CCA медь хром мышьяк, мелиодоз, силикоз, токсоплазмоз, нравственное развитие ребенка, Брісбен, центр, центр, догляд за дітьми, догляд за дітьми, зміни клімату, струмок ліжка, дизайн, дизайнер, раннього дитинства, їстівні, EYLF, сад, лабіринт, пейзажі, Мельбурн, природних, натуралістичні, Новий Південний Уельс, на вулиці, Перт, грати, playscape,playspace, дошкільних, Квінсленд, пісочниця, Сідней, Тесс Майклс, Тесса Роуз,Tessarose, Вікторія, Західна Австралія, майстерень, дітей і природі, обслуговування саду, Садівництво, довідники, натуралістичні ігри, природа, природа дефіциту,Playscapes, playspaces , CCA мідь хром миш'як, меліодоз, силікоз, токсоплазмоз,моральний розвиток дитини, בריסבאַנע, צענטער, צענטער, קינד זאָרגן, טשיילדקער, קלימאַט ענדערונג, טייַכל בעט, פּלאַן, דיזיינער, פריקינדשאַפט, עסן, יילף, גאָרטן, לאַבערינט, לאַנדסקייפּס, מעלבערן, נאַטירלעך, נאַטוראַליסטיק, New דרום וויילז,דרויסנדיק, פּערט, שפּיל, פּלייַסקאַפּע, פּלייַספּאַסע, פּריסקול, קוועענסלאַנד, סאַנדפּיט, סידני, טעס מיטשאַעלס,טעססאַ רויז, טעססאַראָסע, וויקטאָריאַ, מערב, אַוסטראַליאַ, וואַרשטאַטן, קינדער און נאטור, גאַרדאַןמאַינטענאַנסע, גאַרדענינג, מאַנואַלס, נאַטוראַליסטיק שפּיל, נאטור, נאַטורע דעפיציט, פּלייַסקאַפּעס,פּלייַספּאַסעס , קקאַ קאַפּער קראָום אַרסעניק, מעליאָדאָסיס, סיליקאָסיס, טאָקסאָפּלאַסמאָסיס, קינד מאָראַלישאַנטוויקלונג,